Deep South Dharma
Buddhist Teaching / Contemplative Resources
Rev Christie Bates
(aka Acharya Passatininna)
Ordained Contemplative Minister
Embracing Simplicity Contemplative Order #166
(Retired from counseling Oct 2024)
So you did it. You got the kids raised, the promotions you wanted, the movies made, written the books or songs. You may have even picked up some awards along the way. Anyone watching from the outside would say you've made it, that your life is a success.
You don't deny that you've been able to see some dreams come true, and you sure don't want to seem ungrateful. But somewhere along the way, in the process of creating this life you've worked so hard for, you left something of yourself behind. Or maybe you never found the real you that you thought was waiting on the other side of that goal line.
Maybe it's time to do your most exciting work yet - traveling the path your own mind knows how to take, under the right conditions - the journey home to yourself.

When you're ready to pursue something more lasting than that "perfect" body,
Reach out for my the free ebook,
The Beautiful Human:
Contemplative Wisdom for Going Beyond Diet Culture
to Create a Life of Real and Lasting Beauty
This ebook is an intro to the 10 Qualities of a truly Beautiful Human known in Theravada Buddhism as the 10 Pāramī or the Ten Perfections!
Christie at the Buddhist Recovery Network 9/1/24
Christie talks about Brainspotting, families, and the stigma faced by visible people seeking help on The Thomas Mayo Lab Podcast
(Note that this interview occurred when Christie was still a counselor)
Visit my Linktree for other interviews/articles
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