Our first "To See Clearly" Brainspotting-Focused Retreat
Our first invitation-only Brainspotting-focused Meditation Retreat (Spring 2024 edition) happened the first weekend of April, and I couldn't be more pleased and grateful for the transformative experience we shared. The renovated home in Tupelo that was our retreat space was as cozy as it was lovely. A small group of participants settled right in for a day and a half of nourishment, experiential work and mediation made more productive, manageable, and enjoyable through Brainspotting.
The folks attending the "To See Clearly" retreat can have no formal meditation experience, a little, or a lot, but they all have had some experience with Brainspotting. Brainspotting is a highly targeted process involvement mindfulness of eye position and bodily process. I'm familiar with the Brainspotting experience of everyone I invite, so that all group members can expect a safe experience that allows us to jump right in when we arrive!
Our Fall "To See Clearly" Retreat will happen the first weekend of October 2024 at one of my favorite places, Penuel Ridge Retreat Center just outside of Nashville, Tennessee! We'll have more space (not to mention the grounds, the Labrynth, and the Lake) but spots in this exclusive experience are limited to 8 people. So please, if you receive an invitation, rsvp as soon as you can!